virtuemart sampleVirtueMart Sample

Advanced multiple overrides

Manufacturer : Producer
  • String :
    Override for string 2
    For additional searchable product attributes displayed in a consistent format in the product description
  • Editor :

    Advanced PATTERN content
    >> This customfields are assigned in parent product.

    Enable overrides in plugin customfields and set your new content.
    You can add customfields additional to inherited.

  • Media, list :
    virtuemart sampleVirtueMart Sample
    extra Image
Units in box: 1
Advanced multiple overrides
Base price 50,00 €
Base price with tax
Price: 47,50 €
Discount -2,50 €
String, is input


This is a child of Product PATTERN. Most inherited settings are overwritten:
- Short desc
- Product desc
- Product price
- Product Images
- Product Dimension and Weight (Units in Box)
- Customfields


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